Sunday, November 21, 2010

Behind the curtain:

Matt. 27:51 " And behold; the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake and the rocks rent"
        "I am the door, by me if any man enters in he shall be saved..Here we have the greatest event ever recorded in history. a night when the world witnessed the evil in man , and beheld the love of God. A night when the sin of mankind came face to face with the salvation of the world, when all was revealed from behind the curtain. it was the night they crucified my savior.This precious lamb of God shedding his blood for the remission of sin, so man could be reconciled back to God.Jesus perfecting his glorious body, preparing a people for his prepared place. Jesus the love of God ,giving us the word of God that we might be led by the spirit of God.A perfect sacrifice for an imperfect people, a lamb without spot and or blemish, taking on the sins of the world; Jesus making himself a curse that we might be free from the curse.Behold the man, hung high between heaven and earth, like he is unworthy or either but the creator of both. Behold the man in the mist of two thieves, separating the old man from the new;behold the man, God stretch out like a bridge over troubled water, bridging the gap reuniting fallen back to a saving God.Behold the man, Gods word made flesh, mans healing, mans deliverence, mans salvation.The work now complete, and Jesus cries with a loud voice, that all the world should hear,a loud voice that his death should be proclaimed out loud to all the world, a loud voice that we may know that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the Ghost. And the veil was ripped, Jesus died and behold heavens doors were opened.Jesus gave up the Ghost and the veil was torn, the veil of sin , the flesh, which separated man from God now destroyed.Behind the curtain was the golden censer, his name was Jesus the answered prayers of a dying world; behind th ecurtain was the manna from heaven , his name was jesus bread in a starving land; Behind the curtain was the mercy seat, his name was Jesus, Gods mercy on fallen man, behind the curtain was the covenent , his name was jesus, he made away past the flaming cherubin that man now had access to the tree of life. From behind the curtain  came Gods perfect plan of salvation.....Got Jesus? tell a friend  change a life.


  1. Jesus died to make a way for lost man to return to a loving God , now that we've accepted him let us share him with the whole word that all might be save, for from behind the curtain came Gods perfect plan of salvation

  2. .... and it costs is free. So many Belly ache about the lack of money and how nothing is free... but Jesus paid the cost! Jesus paid it All... All to HIM I Owe!!!
