Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lifes choices:

Ruth 1:16  "Entreat me, not to leave thee, nor return from following after thee, for whitter thou goest, i will go, and where thou lodgest i will lodge,thy people shall be my people and thy God my God."

  Decision time! Your're at the crossroads of life, now what do you do? Saints at some point each of us will have to make a decision that will effect the rest of our life. We will meet with ourselves at the crossroads of life, some call it the moment of truth. A time which what we do next, will play a major role in the rest of our life.We will be face with a great decision or change in our life.It might be to go to college or not go to college,get married or divorced, to have a baby or not, to move in or move out,let him in or put her out, take a job or leave a job, but no matter what it is,we all will come to the crossroads and face a life changing decision.But  no decision we will ever make, will be more important than the decision to follow Christ or not.In our story Naomi shares with Or'pah and Ruth the same message, but to one it is a message of encouragement and the other a message on discourgement. Ruth decided to walk by faith into the new, while Or'pah decided to return to the way of old.
   Saints Jesus shares the same message to all, yet some see it as a message of  encouragement and follow him, while other a message of discouragement and return to the way of old. How will you decide? Will you follow Jesus or will you return to the ways of old.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why Jesus loved me don't know why he even cares don't know why he sacrificed his life oh but i'm glad so gad he did.
    I decided to make jesus my choice
