Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gods Love!

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
   Love ; the most powerful of all emotions, it has been the focal point and topic of a many movies, books, songs, plays,and poems over the years.Love is the one thing you can't live without. It is also the one thing to where there is no defense, you can't stop love ,there is no end to love, and there is no containing love.You can't kill ,destroy or hurt love. true love ,Gods love is not just a word it is in fact THE WORD. It is the same word which was the beginning and in the beginning at the same time. But man has taken love from a life giving spirit, to an emotion,or feeling which come and goes,degrading it down to something we say to munipulate a person or situation or cheepening it to just plain lust.Saints love is alive, and it gives life, it breathes the very nature of the word shows action. Love does things, because it is a doer. Love makes things happen, it goes places and takes you places; love changes things, love cares for you,shares with you,listens too you,grows in you, gives to you, takes from you, provides for you, it helps you, it serves you and with you, suffers for you and love will sacrifice itself to save another, even an enemy. Love is always present in every good deed, and is the very power behind the forgiveness of every bad deed. Love is permanent, everything else comes and goes, but love is everlasting. Love can call something out of nothing, and bring that which was dead back to life. Love can make a sinner a saint, and take one from earth all the way to heavan. when love can't believe well of others, it begins to hope for the best in everything, and will continue to hope as long as there is hope. How wonderful this world would be  if those who confessed christianity would display this devine principle and obey the commandment given us by our savior;"to love one another as i have loved you". It is in love and through love that  we will be able to come together as one unified body of Christ, and with one loud voice proclaim Gods Love to a Dying world, Jesus Christ the power of God unto salvation!

1 comment:

  1. God gave us his love to share with a hateful world because he new his love could overcome the world and stand up to its hatred.
    I've been asked why do i put so much Jesus stuff on fb, the truth is i only know 2 things to talk about, my business which ani't none of yours and Gods business who told me to tell everybody, so that's why.As good as God has been to me i can't afford not to tell everybody i see that Jesus Christ is the way. Got Jesus? tell a friend change a life
