Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Truly Blessed

Psalms 1:1 "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."

      I'm too blessed to stress; Blessed and highly favored: these are popular saying we throw around all the time.But are you really blessed? Truly blessed? The word of God says that "Blessed is the man that don't continue to walk in the advice of the wicked, or stand in the way of the sinner, or sits in the seat of the scornful.See the character and condition of a Godly man allows him to walk in the righteousness of God. God knows those that are his by name, but we only know them by character.The character of a Godly man is given by the rules he chooses to walk by and the advice he takes his direction from.The Godly man takes his direction from the word of God,  he meditates on it day and night. This keeps him on the narrow road, the staright path ,so he is blessed not to walk in the ways of the wicked.The ungodly are unsettled, they have no pacific goal or aim, they don't walk by no certain rule, as they stand for nothing and seem to fall for everything ,thinking they are free, they become slaves to many masters, they are at the command of every lust and the beck and call of every temptation.The Godly man sees them with a sad heart, but he does not do what they do, his character won't allow him to follow their advise, stand in their unrighteousness or to seek rest in their unbelief. He takes his rest in the word of God, and is blessed with a blessing which flows like a flowing river of water, and in all that the Godly man does, he  prospers.
   So if you think you're blessed now just think of how blessed we would be if we meditated on the word of God day and night, if we were to walk worthy of the name by which we are called. Got Jesus? tell a friend save a life................................


  1. Eye hath not seen,nor ear heard,nor has entered into the heart of any man, the good thing God has for them that love him.No matter how blessed you feel now, can your mind comprehend a blessing which flows like a river of water.God gave us Jesus accept the whole Christ with all thine heart and really be blessed and enjoy the goodness of the Lord............M.R.Williams

  2. I love this psalm and the teaching that is with it!Thank you........We need to remember there is work that goes with being Blessed and to be a Blessing! Jesus is my Lord and Savior!
